ProTag Optima System
ProTag Optima System Price : $4,399.00
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The ProTag Optima II Pro is one of Australia’s most compact appliance and RCD testing,
tag printing and record keeping system.

* Seaward PrimeTest 300, Optima Printer & PATGuard Reporting Software
* Appliance & RCD Testing, Tag Printing and Data Logging of Inspections
* No Interface Cables - Wireless Connections Using Bluetooth Technology
* Light Weight - Complete System Weighs Around 2kg
* Battery Powered - For Maximum Mobility

The Optima System is a next generation solution that combines the latest handheld instrument and wireless communications technology to provide the ultimate in portability and eliminating the need for connection cables between the appliance tester, tag printer and scanner.

The system weighs around 2kg. Whether testing construction sites, workshops or factories, the Optima System’s portability provides the most flexible testing and tagging solution, guaranteeing greater efficiency, huge time savings and a lower cost per test.

The ProTag Optima II Pro comprises of the Seaward PrimeTest 300 appliance and RCD tester, ProTag Optima test tag printer and PATGuard reporting Software. The PrimeTest 300 carries out all of the tests required under AS/NZS3760 for appliances and leads, and carries out 30mA RCD tests.


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